In SAP system, the Org Levels are structures that represent the Legal or Organizational views of a company.
- Client
- Company Code
- Plant
- Storage Location
- Purchasing Organization & Purchasing Group
- Client is the highest hierarchical level in the SAP system
- The client is a commercial, organizational unit within the R/3 System, with its own data, master records, and independent set of tables.
- From a business perspective, the client forms a corporate group.
- Client is self-contained both in legal and organizational terms
2) Company Code
- The company code is the smallest organizational unit for which you can have an independent Accounting for which a complete, self-contained booking system can be replicated.
- In one Client more than one company code can be maintained.
- A company is defined in the system by 4 character alphanumeric key that is unique in the client.
3) Plant
- A plant is an organizational logistics unit that structures the enterprise from the perspective of production, procurement, plant maintenance, and materials planning.
- A plant may be :- a manufacturing facility or Distribution Centre or Regional Sales Office or Corporate Head-Quarter or a maintenance Office within a company.
- A plant is defined in the system by 4 character alphanumeric key that is unique in the client.
4) Storage Location
- The storage location is an organizational unit that allows the differentiation of material stocks within a plant.
- Inventory Management on a quantity basis is carried out at storage location level in the plant.
- Physical Inventory is also carried out in the plant at Storage Location Level.
- A Storage Location is defined in the system by 4 character alphanumeric key that is unique in the Plant.
5) Purchase Organization & Purchasing group
- The Purchasing Organization is an Org Unit within Logistics that sub-divides the enterprise according to purchasing activities.
- A purchasing organization procures materials or services, negotiates conditions of purchase with vendors and assumes responsibility for these transactions.
- A purchasing group is the key for a buyer or group of buyers responsible for certain purchasing activities
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