STEP 1: Following is the path For to Maintain the COMPANY CODE SETTING 
  • IMG activity path : 
  • Transaction code : SPRO

STEP 2: Click on execute button to Maintain the COMPANY CODE SETTING 

STEP 3: Then Click on New Entry (  Following type Window will Open)

STEP 4: Update the Following Data
    • Enter the Company Code in Company Code Field
    • DOCUMENT TYPE FOR CENVAT POSTING : A key that distinguishes the business transactions to be posted. The document type determines where the document is stored as well as the account types to be posted.Controls which document type the system uses when making CENVAT postings in financial accounting.
    • Uti FI Doc Type: Controls which document type the system uses when making TDS posting ( Tax Deduction at Source) in Financial accounting.
    • Imm. Credit on Captial Goods : Instruct system to post half of the Excise Duty to appropriate Cenvat account & remaining half to the Cenvat on hold account after GR of capital goods.
    • OVERWRITE DEBIT ACCOUNTS : Allows users, when entering journal vouchers, to overwrite the proposed debit accounts depending on the nature of transaction.
    • SUBCONTRACTING PERIOD : The maximum number of days that the materials can be with subcontractor without us having to reverse the excise on the CENVAT account. This information is used when we create a subcontracting challan to determine on exactly which date the materials have to be returned by
    • FIRST MONTH : Specifies which calendar month marks the beginning of the excise year. If the excise authorities change the start month, change the month here
    • EXCISE INVOICE SELECTION PROCEDURE : Specifies which procedure we use to select excise invoices, either first in first out or last in first out
    • NUMBER OF EXCISE INVOICES TO BE SELECTED : Indicates the number of excise invoices that needs to be selected in the excise invoice selection. 
    •  DAYS TO BE CONSIDERED FOR EXCISE INVOICE SELECTION : Number of days from document date for excise invoice selection. 
      • Example:
        •  If the value of this field is 20 and today is 28.03.08. The excise invoice selection will show the related invoices only for the period 08.03.08 to 28.03.08.
    • EXCISE ROUND OFF :Rounds off the excise duty on each line item in a purchase order. The system rounds the duty off to the nearest rupee. However, if the duty amount is less than one rupee then no rounding is done. It does not round off the CENVAT credit to be taken. 
    • SD ROUNDING IND. : Rounds off the excise duty be paid when we create an outgoing excise invoice. The system rounds off the excise duty for each line item separately. 
    • Rounding Duty On Procurement : Round off the excise duty on each line item in the P.O but it does not round off the Cenvat Credit to be taken. Here i have marked the check Box , so system will round off the duty for the P.O line items
    • Rounding Duty on Removal : Round off the excise duty on each line item of the outgoing excise Invoice. Here i have marked the check Box , so system will round off the duty to the nearest rupee.
  • IMMEDIATE CREDIT ON CAPITAL GOODS : Instructs the system, when we verify a goods receipt for capital goods, to immediately post half of the input excise duty to the appropriate CENVAT accounts. The rest is posted to the CENVAT on hold account, for use in the following year.
  • CVD ACCOUNT:A form of excise duty imposed on imports that are subsidized by the country in which they were manufactured. When we post an incoming excise invoice for goods that we have purchased abroad, the system credits the countervailing duty to this account.
    • Exchange Rate Type for CVD : Key representing a type of Exchange 
    • rate in the System . Exchange rate type is used to store different exchange 
    • rate .
    • Exchange Rate Type For Exports : Key specifies which Exchange type the system uses to translate excise duty when we create the 
    • outgoing excise Invoice for Export sales.
    • CVD account : CVD stands for Counter Vailing Duty ( Excise Duty) which 
    • is imposed on value which is sum of Goods value + Custom duty. After 
    • posting of the Excise In. for imported material the Countervailing Duty is 
    • credited to this account.
    • EXCHANGE RATE : Key representing a type of exchange rate in the system. Exchange rate type is used to store different exchange rates
    • EXPORT EXCHANGE : Specifies which exchange rate type the system uses to translate excise duty when we create an outgoing excise invoice for export sales. Exchange rate type is a key representing a type of exchange rate in the SAP system. 
 STEP 5 : Click on Save Button to store Configured data


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